Friday, December 17, 2010

The Great Com[broken]promiser

   The Tax Cuts Bill is one promise that Republicans ought to praise Obama on breaking. This bill maybe a turning point where Obama institutes a new era of bipartisanship on the hill or where he alienated his base and split the party for little political return.

    Is Obama the new Comeback Kid? This bill could turn out to be a smart move in the long run for a couple of reasons; 1) It takes away one of the Republicans best talking points, although it will increase the deficit by at least $858 Billion, 2) There might be a marginal return in terms of its stimulative value, 3) The unemployment benefits probably would not have gotten passed in a Republican controlled House.

   That being said, the Tax Cuts were hard enough to let expire in this Congress that is Democratically controlled, what makes anyone think it will be any easier to get rid of them two years down the road in a Boehner led House?

And where was Pelosi? Once she secured her leadership position she has been absent from the public for the past several weeks, although she was arguably the most important engineer getting the necessary votes. Perhaps it's wise taking herself out of the spotlight, since so many attacks during the election were directed at her. Nonetheless, she put some Democrats into very precarious positions to be out-lefted in primaries in future elections. There is a difference between compromise and retreat and it seems pretty obvious where this bill lies.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you that I don't think this should have passed, but that doesn't mean all is lost. We'll see how he does over the next 2 years how he does when he doesn't have power. The Republicans keep comparing him to Clinton in 1994, but they really didn't like Clinton in 1994. I'm confident that no matter what they do they'll say he's not being bipartisan at all.
